A gift certificate for two for a 4-hour Wildlife Tour with Eagle Eye Adventures is this month’s prize in our 2021 logo game and Bill Spiller from Victoria is the lucky recipient!
Congratulations Bill! This trip will take you through the Discovery Islands in Discovery Passage between Vancouver Island and the mainland. These islands are considered to be the part of our beautiful Northern Gulf Islands.On your way we may encounter, orcas, minke whales, Pacific white-sided dolphins, porpoise, sea lions, seals, black bears, cinnamon bears and perhaps grizzly bears, you will experience some of the worlds most thrilling ocean rapids including “Devils Hole” and the “Aaron Rapids” also known as “The Drain”.
There will be two more draws this 2021 season so make sure to get a printed copy of the Go Camping BC Guide 2021, go to page 68, and submit your answer in the contest section of www.gocampingbc.com before August 30th, 2021.